Defensive Patent Licence offer by John Gilmore, Trustee

I, John Gilmore, Trustee under Declaration of Trust dated December 18, 1997, hereby declare my committment to offer a Defensive Patent License, version 1.1 or any later version, for any of my Patents, to any DPL User.

My contact information is:

John Gilmore, Trustee under Declaration of Trust dated December 18, 1997
PO Box 170640-dplpatents
San Francisco, CA 94117
United States

My patents initially included these:

  • a list of my patents obtained from Pixel Qi Corporation

    (I may now hold more or fewer patents than those, because some patents have issued since that list was last updated, and some of these have expired).

  • This page was last updated Mon Feb 1 18:09:20 PST 2021 .