vol2 - Page 86

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 had spontaneously stood up, unassisted_ as if standing up was
 perfectly natural.
 44. I was stunned_ My wife and our friends were
 stunned. ! took a few, unassisted steps and made it to our
 hall before my legs_ weak from atrophy_ gave out° I had
 45. I wondered if it was the marijuana which had
 enabled me to stand up and walk. i contacted my doctor and
 explained what had happened. I told him about smoking
 marijuana and standing up. He dismissed the idea° _e said
 marijuana had no beneficial effects on MS.
 46. I could not dismiss the idea that marijuana was
 somehow beneficial. I tried telling my wife, but sSe, like my
 doctor, was highly skeptical.
 47. I went through a series of trial and error
 tests. I quickly discovered that when I did not smoke mari-
 juana my condition worsened, I suffered more frequent spasmsf
 and the spasms were more intense. When I smoked marijuana my
 condition stabilized, then dramatically improved. After
 ....... smoking marijuana, my spasms were much more controlled and less
 Marijuana caused me to feel better. I regained control over my
 limbs and could walk totally unaided. My vision, often blurred
 and unfocused, improved.
 48. Despite these beneficial effects my doctor
 continued to dismiss the idea that marijuana was helpful or
 therapeutic. My wife also doubted that marijuana was help-

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