vol2 - Page 58

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 _Tofmmnr_juana was ne_sa_ryto_mln_mize theef_i:s of mul%iple scle_sis_
 the be_fi_ .derived from its use are greai:er _han the harmsought _o be p-r_ )
 vented-by.the:c_ntroll_:_b_.._amc_s law; :_d nodrug._s as effeci:_ve, as marijuana
 Im mlnimlzing the effects of the d)$ease_in the_d_fenda_to
 43_ Denis Petro, M,D,_ is a _euro_ogist of broad experiences ranging i)
 _ from acti_e_pr_t_ce _ _urology to teaching the subject in medical school and
 ___;.b.yf_,_s__ mediccal bfficerT_viewing INDUs and NDA'so He has also
 been employed by pharmaceutical companies and has served a_ a consultant to the
 State of New York_ He is well acquainted with the case histories of three
 _.pa_en_who have successfully utilized marijuana to control severe spasticity
 _ other, FDA=approved drugs fa_led to do sos Ors Petro knows of other cases
 of patients who, he has determined, have effectiwly used marijuana to control
 their spasticity_ _e has heard reports of additionaT patients wi_ multiple
 sclerosis, parap3egia and quadripTagiadoing the sameo There are repo_ pubs
 llshed in the literature known _o Dr. Petro, over the period a_ least 1970
 z 1986, of clinical ° tests demonstrating that marijuana and THC are effective in
 con_ro_ing or reducing spasticity _n patients,
 44, Large numbers of paraplegic and _uadrip_egic patien_s_ pari:icular3y
 in Veterans Hospitals, routinely smoke marijuana to reduce _pastic_ty_ While
 this mode of treatment is i_]egal_ it is genera1_y tolerated_ if not openly
 encouraged, by physicians in charge of such wards who accept _his practice as
 being of benefit to their patients. There are many spinal cord _njury patients
 in Veterans Hospi_also
 45. Dr. Petro sought FOA approval to conduct research with spasticity
 patients using marijuana, FDA refused but, for reasons _nknown to him_ al_o_ed

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