vol2 - Page 425

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 1 Agency? Mr.So Mapes?
 2 MS. MAPES: I am, you_ Honor.
 3 JUDGE YOUNG: Very we!l.
 4 MSo MAPES: Aside from all the rhetoric in
 5 this proceeding, I think we can agree that many of the
 6 basic facts, the bear facts are not in dispute°
 7 What is in dispute i_ the significance of
 S these facts and their application to the standards of
 9 accepted medical use in treatments and accepted safety
 I0 for use under medical supervision°
 Ii We all seem to agree that 34 states have
 12 passed legislation with regard to the human use of
 13 marijuana° What is in dispute here, of course, is
 14 whet_er these statutes are :research statutes or
 15 treatment statutes. I think by their bery, the four
 16 corners of the statutes, they purport to be research
 17 statutes.
 18 We agree that ten state programs --
 19 JUDGE YOUNG: Of course there's testimony to
 20 the e_fect that that's only so because that's all the I
 21 states could pass, in the sense that if they undertook _i
 22 to pass the statute that would authorize treatment, it i
 23 would be in the real worlds a nullity, because of the
 24 position taken by the Food and ]Drug Administration.
 25 What do you say to that? {_r_ .....
 1323 KH()DI _D AV_UE. H.W.

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