vol2 - Page 394

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 ...... 9-135
 curren ° ly approved drugs, in the ends the bottom llne
 -- 2 is basically the same: dlffi_Ity breathing?
 ...... 3 _ Except that one is ve_ _ acute and the other
 one is a long-term _-
 5 _ Okay.
 .... 6 _ And that _ s a very important
 7 differentiation.
 8 Q. I agree_
 9 WŁth regard to the immune system --
 10 MS_ SHIRLEY: YOUE Honors if X may ask
 11 counsel to refrain Łrom makinq comments about the
 12 witness _s statements. X think it' s inappropriate
 cross examination.
 14 MR. ZEESE= I apologize if I did that.
 15 JUDGE YOUNG: Well_ I haven't detected
 I6 anything untoward _
 17 MRs ZEESE_ Thank you.
 18 BY MR. ZX,ESE:
 19 _ NoW, you kn_ who the National Academy of
 o 20 Sciences are?
 21 _ Yes.
 22 _ An objective sclentif_.c bodye _ guess it's
 23 Łair to say?
 24 E Un _huh.
 _ 2.5 _ ' All right. They dąd a report in 1982
 COL_7 _EPO_TSR$ AND 7R&_$C_|$_R$
 (202) 23_ W&SH|HGTON. DoC. _O(}g5 (202_ 232-6600

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