vol2 - Page 391

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 .If hogs able _o use it until he knows
 2 there's an indication of pharmacological response, is
 ...... 3 that not a benefit?
 & It is a benefit in a naive user on a single
 occasion, based on the literatures but again based on
 6 the literature, one has the development of tolerance°
 Apparently people who repeatedly use marijuana become
 8 tolerant of that effect. So that, therefore_ could
 not be used as a crIterlon of an evaluation of a
 I0 pharmacological event.
 _ $o I donut know --
 12 _ What studies sh_ --
 13 & _ don't know where yo_ go.
 |4 _ What study shows tolerance developing from
 15 marljuana in treatŁng glaucoma?
 _6 & I wasn't speciflcally referring to
 17 glaucoma
 I% E _ was talking about the overall, general
 use. No, I have not,
 21 _ What study shows tolerance in overall
 22 general usage?
 23 _ Wells there are several textbooks by
 24 Graham, by Williamn Paton, several textbooks delving
 25 into those sorts of events, certainly not my work.
 NEAL R. G805.$ !
 COURT _§_ORTER$ aND T_AI_$CR|8_5

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