vol2 - Page 330

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 _n facts isn't it conventional therapy if
 " 2
 one doesn't work to add another drug to It?
 E Absolutely_ I mean they used to be -- I
 mean we used to teach that the characteristic ways in
 5 which one -- pharmacological therapy of glaucoma-- I
 one would start a patient off exclusively on a low
 7 dose Pilocarplne, then go to a high dose Pilocarplne,
 $ then gO to Pilocarplne and Eplnephrlne_ and SO on
 % down the lines
 I0 _ Isn't it true that all of the currently
 approved glaucoma drugs have adverse side effects?
 12 E Define _adverse _ for me_ please.
 .... i3 _ Well, you define _adverse.* The typical--
 14 have effect8 that are not merely lowering intraocular
 16 _ The majorlty of them have something, yes_
 17 (1 Okay.
 18 K But then --
 ]9 _ Xn fact, I thlnk on page 4 of your
 o 20 affidavit --
 21 MS. MAPES_ Objectlon_. Your Honor. I think
 22 the witness was attempting to complete an answer.
 23 JUDGE YOUNG_ _ think so. Finish your
 answe r.
 2.5 MR. ZEESE: Go ahead. I thought you were
 .... _ N_AL R. GRO55
 COU_T 8_PO_T_R$ a_ T_AI_S_ISER$

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