vol2 - Page 315

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 4_ I JUDGE YOUNG: Very well Mr Stillwell !
 2 Dr. Silverberg, thank 'you very much for your
 3 expertise, and coming here and giving us the benefit of
 4 your testimony. Thank you again.
 ........ 5 "
 As you go back across the room, please watch
 6 out for the w_reSo
 7 (Witness excused.)
 8 All rights I believe that concludes the
 9 schedule we had mapped out for today, ladies and gentlemen.
 I0 Now tomorrow there are three witnesses
 11 scheduled, and I have suggested that we begin at 9:30 in
 12 the mornlng,
 13 You can do that Mr, Reporter? Does anyone
 .... C 14 have any problem with our be.glnnlng at 9:30 tomorrow
 15 mornlng?
 16 MSo MAPES: No_, Your Honor, but I do believe
 ....... 17 that there's only two witnesses tomorrow.
 18 JUDGE YOUNG: Only _w(_ witnesses tomorrow?
 19 Well, all rlght, even so. Beglnnln_ at 9:30°
 20 MSo MAPES: There's no problem wŁth 9:30_ I
 21 _uSt wanted tO brlng that tO your attention.
 22 JUDG_ YOUNG: Thank you, Z appreciate your
 23 stralghtenlng me out on that.
 24 But other %hen %hat, no one has any problem
 25 with our beginning at 9:30_ so that's what w_ will dOo _

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