vol2 - Page 303

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 'r I I iu
 _ I _ What ate the side e_fects of some of the
 _ 2 other commonly prescribed antiemetic drugs?
 ....... 3 A Again, Mr. Stillwell, Z made reference to
 4 Decadron as the best immune stimulant known to man -- o_
 5 immune depressant, excuse me. kno_ to man.
 r ...... 6 --_°÷ Xf somebody has tuberculosis, for example.
 7 and_- takes Decadron for any period of time, %hei_
 8 tuberculous w_ll spread all over their body.
 9 The story of Franklln Delano Roosevelt's wife
 10 was that she died of dissemlnated TB because somebody gave
 11 her Decadron or cortecostsrolds, thinking she had another
 12 illness, which she dldn_t have.
 13 So, Decadron ks a dangerous drug in any sense
 _4 of %he wor_o
 15 .X% also causes, in chronic usage, secondary
 IS infections llke pneumocystls pneumonia. MAI or
 17 Microbacterium avlam intracell_la.ry (phonetic), diseases
 18 which are very common in the gay community, and in the
 19 straight community in those patients glven chemotherapy.
 20 Zt can also cause psychosls, bleeding ulcer, blood
 21 disorders and on.
 22 Compazlne and Compaz:Ine-l_ke drugs can cause
 23 hepatic damage, colls%a%Is, _aundlce, and death. They, in
 24 addition, can cause, and have caused in several of my
 25 patlents_ a cerebella_ dysfunctlon, where the patient, it's

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