vol2 - Page 288

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 12% ..... _--
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 S Q Doctor, good afternoon° I would like to
 4 begin with the subject matter of controlled studies.
 S The government asked you a series of
 6 iquestionmt your view on oontrolled studies. And I would
 .Z _%IS_ llke yon to elaborate, in the context cf double blind
 8 studies _nd °other controlled studies; in the context of
 g antlemet_c treatments.
 I0 A There are many types of controls that one csn
 11 have on studies, i was always st:suck with, when the idea
 12 of random._zed controlled studies for marijuana were
 13 proposed, a to how one could randomize patients to either
 _°'_ 14 get,mariSuana or not get marijuana,
 15 The patlente tell me that the odor is so
 _8 characteristic, I can't imaglne how one could slip a
 IZ placebo in particularly to somebody is, what they call,
 18 marijuana experlenced.
 19 One, _ suppose, could provide a cigarette
 20 without THC, but _here_s another strong question as to
 21 whether THC is really the only or the major antiemetlc and
 22 there you run into other problems°
 23 H_ever, what I'm dealing wlth in my practlc_
 24 arm internal controls_ lar_eiy when a patient is his o_
 r 25 control, which _ think is every bit as valid in. a study.

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