vol2 - Page 24

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 • of Ontology at 8rady Hospital and staff oncologists at Emory University Nedical )
 " C_Imi¢. Sponsors of the legislation orginally intended the enactment of a law
 -i_".._ki_ng.iL_je,Ta1_a"Ir_rai_:]_ab|e.fDr¢l.i-._.ical_ therapeutic use by patients. The bill
 -----_;_'_was referred to as the "Marij:ana-as-_ed!clne" b.lll, The final legislation )
 was crafted, however, of necessit;y, merely to set _p a research program In order
 to obtain marijuana frmm.-&_e:._ 1_g_Jma_:e source available - the Federal Goverm_
 merit, _hich _ould not make the substance available for any purpose other than
 . ._nductin_g a research program. '?he act _as passed by an overwhelming majority in
 the lower house of the legislature and unanimously i_ the Senates In January
 198:) an evaluation of the program,, whic_ by then had had 44 eval_able marijuana
 smoking patient-pa_Iclpants, accepted marijuana smoking as being an effective
 anti ®emeti c agent.
 24. In Boston, Massachusetts in 1977 a nurse _n a hospital suggested
 to a chemotherapy patient, suffering greatly from the therapy and at the point
 of refusing further treatment, that smoking marijuana might help relieve his
 nausea and vomiting. The patient's doctor, when asked about ii: later _, stated
 that many of his_ younger patients were smoking marijuanas Those who did so
 seemed to have less trouble with nausea and vomiting® The patient in question
 obtained some marijuana and smoked It_ in the hospital, immediately before his
 next chemotherapy treatment. Doctors, nurses and orderlies coming into the room
 as he finished smoking realized _hat the patient had been doing. None of them
 18 ®
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