vol2 - Page 22

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 _ymphosarcoma. Thes_.p_ent_ smoke marijuana _o co_i_ro_ _heir nausea amd
 _ vomi_img, mole _o "get high. _ They se_f_Itrai_e, i_e_ smoke the marij:ana om_y
 _l_;'_!_?h_ St:_te of New Mexico _et up a program i_ 1978 to make marijuana
 available to cancer patients pursuant to an act of the State legislature. The
 legi_lature hat acceptS: _v_r_a _a.s_-:"h_:_r_ _d:Lc_,%' _.s._m treatments _t over_
 • ._e_ming_y passed _his _egi_ation so as to make marijuana available for use in
 ° ti_erapy_ no_ just for research. Marijuana and synthetic THC were given to
 patients_ administered under nmdical supervision, to control or reduce emesis°
 The marijuana was i_ the form of cigarettes obtained from the Federal gover_
 ment. The program operBi_ed from _g7g until 1986, when funding for it _as
 terminated by the State. During those seven years about 250 cancer patients in
 New Mexico received either marijuana cigarettes or THC. Twenty or 2.5 physicians
 in New Mexico sought and obtained marijuana cigarettes or THC for their cancer
 pai:ients during that periods A_ of the oncologists in New Mexico accepted
 marijuana as effeci_ive for some of their patien_s_ At ]east tern hospitals were
 involved in this program in New. Mexico, in _hicb cancer patiemi:s smoked their
 marijuana cigarettes, The hospitals accepted this medicina] marijuana smoking
 by pa'_ients, Voluminous reports fi'_ed by _he pa_icipating physicians make it
 clear that marijuana is a highly effective anti-emetic substance. It was found °
 in the New Mexico program to be far superior to the best available conventional

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