vol2 - Page 228

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 4. A number of the conventional medications which
 are normally used to treat glaucoma may cause a _ariety of
 ! .........
 troubling and potentially serious si_e effects.
 5. Robert Randall provided me with a detailed medical
 history which included opinions of _r. Fine of Washington, D.C.
 and controlled studies performed by Dr. Robert S. Hepler of
 the Jules Stein Eye _nstitute (UCLA) and Dr. Gary Diamond of
 the Wilmer Eye Xnstit_te (John _cpk£ns University Sospita!)o
 Sy findings, summarised below, were consistent with those of
 all three other doctors:
 ao Robert Randall has chronic open-.angle glau=
 coma and this disease already has destroyed significant areas
 of his vision due to elevated IOPo
 bo Conventional glaucoma medicines, even when
 employed at very high 4osages_ are not effective in providing °
 this patient with adequate reliefs
 ..... c. A continued rout£ne of conventional glaucoma
 I drugs will result in a ma#ked progression in the disease and
 would eventually render the patient _,lind°
 _ _n September of 1976, Z received permission from
 the federal government to conduct experimentation on whether
 marijuana would prove to be an effective therapeutic agent for
 the treatment of glaucoma° X received an Znvestigational Exemp-
 .... tion _or a New Drug (XND) from the Fco4 and Drug Administration
 and was registered by the Drug Enforcement Administration. The
 National Xnstitute on Drug Abuse exezted control over the re-
 search proqra_ and provide4 me with the marijuana for it.
 7. Enrolling a patient in a pEogram solely designed
 to research a drug ks an ineffective, cumbersome and possibly
 dangerous means of providing the patient with a _rug crucial
 to sight retention. Whether the doctor conductinq the research

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