vol2 - Page 223

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 to more readily accept this form of the_apyo Older patients
 also complain that marijuana makes them feel "coldo _
 94. Clearly, marijuana is not a suitable drug for every
 ...... glaucoma patients _owever, marijuana is appropriate for some
 patients for whom other forms of t_eatment are inadequate.
 95. Certainly, based on my findings, marijuana should be
 available, on a prescriptive basis, as an option available to
 glaucoma patients. As in any medical situation, a final deter-
 mination on the £herapy°s value should be made by the treating
 physician in consultation with the patient.
 96. Under no circumstance should such decisions be made
 by distant bureaucrats who lack medical training and who appear
 to be more concerned with political appearances than with the
 welfare of seriously ill patients.
 97. After completing my study, and unable to secure
 additional federal funding for further evaluations of
 marijuana's use in glaucoma therapyF I decided to leave the
 University of North Carolina and return to private practice°
 98. X established a practice in Durhams North Carolinas
 and have greatly enjoyed the transition°
 99_ The idea of dealing with a Schedule I drug is
 frightening to nearly all p_acticlng phy_iclans and unsettles
 even experienced researchers. It is not something a physician
 does in the normal course of business_
 !00. None of the more than forty patients I evaluated
 at the University of North Carolina was able to locate a
 physician willing to "sponsor" an _ND program through the FDA.

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