vol2 - Page 210

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 ....... Mro Randall was the only patient I continued to treat on a long
 term basis.
 24. In particular, I remember one young man who had come
 to Washington, D.C._ on a bus from Detrolt_ Michigan. _e
 arrived at Howard University without prior notice and came to
 my office. I checked his IOP which was very elevated despite
 the young man's use of a number of standard glaucoma control
 25. After conducting my examination, I provided this
 young man with some of my federally supplied marijuana, which
 he smoked in my outer office. His IOP was checked immediately
 before he began smoking and at regular intervals thereafter.
 26. It was clear, based on his IOP response -- a
 significant decline in ocular tensions -- that marijuana could
 provide this young man with better control over his lOP°
 However, he did not live in Washington, D_C._ and I had
 I'<_ received no research funds to hospitalize patients for further
 27. Nor could I prescribe marijuana to him or treat him
 as a research subjects over long distances° It would, for
 examples be impossible for him to return weekly or even monthly
 for additional evaluations and supplies.
 28. As a results this young man left my office to
 hitchhike back to Detroit. He knew -_ and I knew -- that
 marijuana sight help to prolong his sight. But I could not
 legally prescribe'the drug to him2

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