vol2 - Page 200

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 ....... 79. There is also no question in my min d , based on years
 of experience in treating patients who have used ma=ijuana,
 that marijuana can be safely employed within a medically
 controlled setting.
 80. _ndeed, it is far more likely if a patient is going
 to encounter an adverse effect, that that adverse reaction will
 be promoted by the lack of adequate medical supervision which
 the law now imposes.
 81. As an Oncologist, responsible for the treatment of
 large numbers of cancer patlents, I appeal to the Drug Enforce-
 ment Administration to carefully conslde_ the relevant medical
 data and the very real medical needs of seriously ill people
 when deciding marijuana's app=opriite classification. •
 82. There is no doubt in my mind that marijuana is
 currently misclassifledo There is also no doubt in my mind
 that marijuana should be available for medical application.
 w MoD.
 Subscribed and sworn to before me
 this _/_ day of
 _.... _ 19S7.
 _4_ o_Ic_Au S_AL
 / L, £-_,.,_ . _/'u _ _ CAROL [ STOREN
 Notary Public _ [_._-_4_ _OTA_ eueuc . CAU;O_NIA
 My fommission expires:
 ¢"_, _-_ ....
 - 16 -
 i ......

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