vol2 - Page 195

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 ....... 53. AS a scientistt I wondered why THC had been selected
 in the first place as an anti-emetic drug. There was no
 scientific evidence to suggest the government had ever con-
 ducted a thorough survey of marijuana chemicalm§ much less
 conducted a survey which indicated THC was the most effective
 anti-emetic chemical in the marijuana plants
 54. In the absence of this kind of careful prior
 investigations it appears THC was simply something on a shelf
 that the government had available for basic drug abuse research
 studies show THC is marijuana's most psycho-active chemical.
 There are no studies to suggest THC is _arijuana's most
 effective anti-emetic chemical.
 55° THC was not marijuana. I[ felt the arbitary
 selection of synthetic T_C was politically motivated and a
 gross distortion of an appropriate scientific approach to the
 treatment of patientsa
 56° ! was also deeply concerned that_ even in those
 limited instances where marijuana smoking was permitted, the
 conditions under which patients had to smoke were essentially
 57. The conditions were rigid; smoking times were
 prescribed .-- patients were not allowed to self titrate their
 dose and were forced to smoke marijuana too quickly _- and they
 could only smoke marijuana in a locked room.
 58. These restrictions seemed senseless to me. The vast
 majority of patients who were already using marijuana were
 ! ...............

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