vol2 - Page 188

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 ..... my own knowledge of what patients were doings that marijuana
 was helpfulg I and many other physicians confronted a serious
 ethical question. Do you withhold the theraphy or knowledge of
 such a therapy from patients and let that patient suffer simply
 because the therapy involves the use of a drug which is
 considered illegal?
 13. In confronting this question, I came to the
 conclusion that_ while I could not provide marijuana to a
 patient, there were no laws against my providing information to
 the patient°
 14. If ! became aware of a patient who was having
 serious difficulty with nausea and vomiting as a result of
 chemotherapy, I would_ during a period of consultation, indi-
 _cate in some way or other that medical studies demonstrated
 marijuana could be helpful in reducing nausea and vomiting.
 15® I would emphasize to the patient that I could
 not legally prescribe marijuana to them and would not illegally
 supply marijuana to them.
 16. If the patient asked additional questions, I
 would provide that patient with as much information as was
 available to me. In my experlence_ I found that the vast
 majority of patients, so info_med_ tended to pursue additional
 ....... information on their own.
 17. The vast majority of these patients reached the
 only sane conclusion possible: that using marijuana to control
 chemotherapeuticaily-lnduced emesis was of much greater
 i ...................

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