vol2 - Page 185

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 ....... Department of Justice
 In the Matter of )
 ) Docket # 86-22
 aFFIDAVIT OF !VAN S!SV_._:RG_ M°D______
 City of San Francisco )
 State of California )
 Ivan Silverberg_ being first d_ly sworn_ states as
 ...... follows:
 l_ My name is Xvan S_lverbergo I am fifty-one (51)
 years of age and live in Mill Valleys California.
 2. I received my B.A. in Chemistry in 1957 from the
 University of Californla_ Berkeley. I received my medical
 degree from the University of Southern California in 1963 and
 conducted my Internship at the Los Angeles county General
 Hospital in 1964. ! conducted my Residency in Oncology at
 Southern Pacific Hospital and the University of California at
 San Francisco Medical Center in 1967.
 3. In 1968_ I received a Fellowship in Medical
 Oncology from the American Cancer Society to continue my post-
 graduate specialization. In 1969, I received a National Cancer
 Institute research grant while working at Mr. Zion Hospital in

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