vol2 - Page 183

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 50. Marijuana_s classification as a Schedule I drug
 creates unnecessarily restrictive barriers to an aggressive
 study of the drug's established and potential therapeutic
 uses. As I discovered while at Georgetown, simply obtaining
 licit supplies of marijuana for research purposes is nearly
 impossible° Despite twelve months of cossiderable efforts I
 could not obtain _DA approval to use marijuana to conduct a
 highly-controlled research evaluation of the drug at one of the
 major medical centers in the United States. This burdensome
 regulatory constraint on medical research caused by marijuana's
 present classificationprevents adequate medical study.
 51, Marijuana's Schedule I classification forces
 seriously ill patients to obtain an uncontrolled product which
 the patient must then use with no or only marginal supervision
 by a physician. _ believe that marijuana_s Schedule [ classi-
 fication is unconscionable and medically unethical.
 52. As a physicians I believe that many sane patients
 undergoing chemotherapy who are aware of marijuana's medical
 utility will seek to obtain the drug. The law against mari-
 juana's medical use punishes these seriously Ill patients for
 doing what any sane and rational persons confronted by cir_
 cumstances beyond their controls would do in this situation.
 53. It is my hope that the Druge Enforcement
 Administration will recosnize the intolerable results of
 marijuana_s classification as a Schedule I drugs and thus
 strongly recommend that marijuana be reclassified to Schedule
 If. While I realize that marijuana's reclassification will not
 14 C i

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