vol2 - Page 165

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 medical instltutions, would not be able to participate in the
 _IS. Physicians who did not practice at a major
 madteal center simply lacked the admln_strative staff necessary
 to me_et the constantly rising reporting requirements tagged onto
 the Georgia program. With the state program becoming burdensome
 physlclans would resort to tellln_ patients to get their
 marijuana off the mtreetSo
 114. As a result a much dif:ferent program than the one
 intended finally received complete federal approval° NIDA _en
 began providing a small, select number of phys!clans with mariju_
 ana to provide to their patients. What had started out as a.
 .... program seeking to extend care to all patients with legitimate
 medical needs had been transformed into a program with very
 l_mlted pa%_ent/phys!clan partlclpatlono
 115. I rsmalned with the Georgla Patient Review Board
 for several more months until the first shipments of marijuana
 and THC were dellvered and the first patlents began receivlng
 treatment. However, Incesmant federal demands for more and more
 controls, t_ghtar and tighter restrlctlons, more and more
 reporting and paperwork, stifled the splrlt of the ieglslatlox_
 and killed the intent ef _he Georgia law.
 116. Physlclans, rlghtly _ bel_eve, simply will not
 tolerate the immense amounts of paperwork and reporting _equ_red
 under _he FDA approved state programs. Patients quickly dis-
 covered they cinnot get into the program or that the quality of
 marijuana available in the program _sn_t as good as the marijuana

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