vol2 - Page 157

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 encountering serious problems with federal agencies in seeking to
 set up treatment programs° However_ I needed to take a break and
 thought the state appointed Medlcai Board should have an
 opportunity to de_ne a program.
 _9. _t quickly became clear that a Medical Board
 composed of an all-volunteer group of _Dusy_ pract_clng physicians
 and researchere slmp_y could not deal _r_h the day to day demands
 of meetlng federal regula_or? requirements0
 80. At first I tried to p_ovlde the Board with help on
 ..... _ an informal basis. _ began attendlng meetlngs and, through Al_ce
 O'Leary, learned about what problems Georgla could expect _o
 encounter as _t trled to put its prog_am_nto operation.
 ..... _1. The _oa_d openly accepted me and listened closely
 _o what _ had to say. Buts a_ more and more tlme passed, _t
 became obvious to _he Board, that _thout a full time staffer _o
 keep track of the escalating fedora! demands the Georgia
 ma_!_uana-ae_med_c_ne program _ould never _et past the federa_
 82. A11 o_ _he pro_le_ Geo_gla encountered c_e from
 federa_ agencies. These _gencle_ _an_d Georgia to scrap the
 _dea of compa_elonate, _edlcal _cce_ to _a_i_uana b7 serlously
 _Ii patients. _n_tead, the agencies undermined the !nte_ of _h_
 Georgia law bY seeking to _mpose a nar:ro_Iy deflned_ double bl_nd
 research p_og_am on the state.
 83. _n effect, FDA _as telling u_ that, while Georgia
 law promised _o p_ovlde needy patients _ith relle_ only ha_ _he
 patients would _ctually receive _a_i_uana. The other half wou_

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