vol2 - Page 155

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 _3. The intent of the Georgia law was clear: To
 legally provide seriously ill cancer and glaucoma patients with
 medically supe_vlsed accsss to marijuana for use in routines of
 therapy. However, In order to comply _Ith federal procedures,
 and _n order to obtain federal supplies of marijuana, the Georgia
 ..... law - like the law in New Mexico and ._isewhere, was crafted as a
 "research program". Whether called _ressarch" or not, the
 purpose of _he law was _o assist patlents in ob_ainlng marijuana
 for their _edlcal use. _f research data resulted from such
 compassionate programs of patient care all the better.
 74. Backed by overwhelming public, political and media
 support, and with solid support from key segments of the Georgia
 medical _ommunlty, the°bill easily passed both houses ®f the
 Georgia leglslature. _n the Senate the vote in favor of the
 legislation was unanimous. _n the _ouse the vote was 158 to 6 in
 ........ favor of the legislation.
 75. On _he day the bill passed in the Senate, Senator
 Broun invited me onto the floor o_ the Senate where _ was
 rscognlzed by the P_esldent who invited me to address the Senate
 - a: very rare honor for a lobbyist:. _ received a standing
 ovation from _he Senators, then brlefly expressed my heartfelt
 app_eclatlon to them for their efforts and hard work. _t was an
 extremely emotlonal and touching moment for ms. After months of
 work, and with _he help of scores of doctors and legislators_
 Seorgla had _oolned the ranks of states which had accepts@
 mari_uana_s medical value and sought to create limited
 programs of patient care.

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