vol2 - Page 14

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 The Act provides (2] U.S.Co § 8_2(b)) that a drug or other substance nay
 not be placed in any schedule u_less certain specified findln_s are made with
 respect to its The findings required for Schedule I and Schedule II are as
 Schedule I_
 (A) The d_g or other substance has a high pote_tla]
 for abuse,
 (B) The drug or other substance has no currently accepted
 _edlcal use in treatment _n the United States°
 {C) There is a _ack o? accepted sa?ety ?or _se of the
 drug or other substance under _dical supervls_ono i;
 Schedu]e _ I _
 (A) The drug or other substance :has a h_gh po_entia3 For
 (B) The drug or other substance has. a currently accepted
 radical _se in treatmmt in the United States or a currently
 accepted medical use with severe restrictions.
 {C) Abuse o? the drug or other substances [sic] may _eBd to
 severe psychological or phys_ca_ dependence.
 As noted above the parries have st_p_lated, for the purpose of this prom
 ceedl_g, that marijuana has a high potential ?or abuse and that abuse of it may
 "lead to severe psychological or physical dependence° Thus the dispute between
 the two sides in this p_ceed_ng is narrowed _o whether or not _arij_ana has a
 currently accepted _edica_ _se in treatment in the United States, and _hether or
 not there is a _ack of accepted sa?ety for use o? _arijuana under _ed'ica_ supers
 The issues as framed here contemplate marijua_a's being p_ced o_y _n

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