vol2 - Page 122

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 would make house calls to teach uninitiated patients the basics
 of marijuana therapy.
 79. The "Green Cross" continued throughout the spring and
 summer of 1980. On several occasions I received calls from
 patients in the southern part o_ Michigan or from out-of-
 state. I occasionally mailed marijuar_a to such patients°
 80. I also trle_ to adapt marilJuana so patients who could
 not or would not smoke marijuana could also benefit from the
 drug's medicinal properties. _ soon learned I could boil
 marijuana and butter in a kettle of water for several hours,
 then let the mixture cool and use the butter which floated to
 the top.
 81. Patients could either eat the butter on bread or bake
 it into cookies or b_ownies_ _owever, dosage problems led me
 to start putting the butter into capsules°
 82. I obtafned the capsules from a hospital pharmacy.
 The pharmacy knew whet we were doing and did not object in any
 way. The capsules made it simpler fOE those patients who did
 not want to smoke and who could not stand the smell or taste of
 food to get relief.
 83. On one occasion a mother called. Her young daughters
 around five, was undergoin9 chemotherapy treatments. The
 little glrl could not smoke° Her mother had made brownies and
 these worked. Buts on occasion, the little glrl had fallen
 asleep after getting her chemotherapy and eating a brownie.
 Her parents did not wake her up to take another brownie° As a
 result, when the little glrl did wake up, she began retching

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