vol2 - Page 116

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 ..... roll the cigarettes or properly inhale the smoke. This
 involvement with other seriously ill patients gave Keith great
 joy. He loved being able to help his fe_.low patients escape
 the dreadful side effects of their anti-cancer treatments.
 56° One days shortly after the hearings_ we found a smal_
 brown bag of marijuana in our mailbox. There was no notes no
 identification, just an ounce or so of marijuana. Soon we
 received more marijuana in the mail. An Episcopal priest
 brought marijuana to our house. _e told us he wanted to put it
 to good use and felt we would know who might benefit from it.
 57. Most of the people who sent marijuana to us did not
 identify themselves° As news spread through the grapevine,
 however, we heard from some £amiliar folks. For example, we
 ..... received a call One day from a woman who had attended elemen-
 tary school with Arnold. She asked us tc her home. When we
 arrived_ she told us she had something for us and produced a
 cigar box filled with marijuana. She explained that her hus-
 band, recently deceased_ had smoked marijuana to help control
 his pain. She had no use for the marijuana but did not want to
 throw it away.
 58. _t seemed to me that many cancer patients were
 smoking marijuana_ _n my experiences most patients made an
 effort to inform their doctors. Most physicians_ wanting to
 avoid the pitfalls of _a political issue, _ knew their patients
 were smoking marijuana and approved. Like Dr. Kosenberg, these
 physicians accepted that marijuana was therapeu_ically helpful
 in reducing nausea and vomiting. Unlike Dr. Rosenbergt most

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