vol2 - Page 108

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 25. My husband and I were ala:med by the intensity of
 Keith's vomiting and by his sudden, dramatic loss of weight°
 We felt Keith's weight loss to be an indication of just how
 rapidly he was being overwhelmed by his cancer and by the
 _.t. Together, the
 chemotherapy he was receiving to combat _
 disease and treatment were a deadly combination.
 26. Keith was suffering terribly. _is treatments were
 wearing him down. At one points he approached me and said that
 he did. not want to become like his deceased brother, Dana -- so
 sick he could not take care of himself, completely
 ...... . incapacitated and a burden on the rest of the family. He told
 me that when things got that bad, he wanted to be able kill
 himself, in order to escape his misery_ .Then Keith made me
 promise that when there .was no more hope, I would •help him end
 his .life.
 27. One evenings while reading the newspaper, _ read an
 article about a cancer patient who had received a brown bag of
 marijuana on his doorstep. The article noted that there was
 medical evidence which showed that smoking marijuana helped to
 reduce the severe nausea and vomiting caused by many anti _
 cancer therapies.
 28. At first _ laughed at the story_ It seemed unlikely
 that marijuana would Just suddenly appear on someone's door-
 step. The idea that marijuana had medical benefit was a new
 one to my husband and _® Later, however, we told Keith what we
 had read. We were desperate.

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