vol1 - Page 88

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 Schedule I drugs would be deterred_ if not halted, by the Con=
 trolled Substances Act. By adopting the wculrrently accepted
 ..... medical use in treatment in the United States w standards Congress
 plainly anticipated that should one of the Schedule I substances
 emerge as having an accepted medical utility_ it would be
 _ rescheduled.9-_/
 ..... Medical malpractice case law demonstrates that the
 Waccepted medical use w standard satisfies just this req%_irement.
 In the leading case of _9_ld___v. Ro___, the Florida Supreme
 Court made it explicitly clear that only the opinion of a
 Wrespectable minority _ would be necessary to demonstrate that a
 drug had a currently accepted medical use° _u_/ The Ba_ court
 considered the question of whether the newly emerging treatment
 of chemotherapy was sufficiently accepted in the medical
 community_ despite opposition by many doctors and the lacM of
 acceptance by the American Medical Association. _// Concluding
 that the opinion of a _respectable minority w was all that was
 necessary to show that the use of chemotherapy to treat cancer
 was accepted by the medical community_ the court emphasized that
 a higherstandard would serve only to slow efforts to alleviate a
 ___/ This was certainly the opinion of the Bureau of Narcotics
 and Dangerous Drugs (now DEA) when the Controlled Substances Act
 became law. Deputy Chief Counsel Sonnenreich declared that if a
 medical use is found for a drug wit will automatically have to
 leave Schedule X and go to Schedule I! because then there is a
 [medical] use for it in the United State_. w /._ at 718®
 46/ 81 So. 2d 658_ 660 (1954); _ev_ _| 9_b@_ _ounds , 81 so.
 2d_ 661 (1955)_
 47/ /_. at 660.
 Cen  -

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