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 Faderd Register / VoL SIo Noo _96 / Tuesday. October _4, _g_ ] Rules end Regulations 36557
 when _MA we= substituted for pu]se end heartbeat _eve_ _nx|_y, anelyst_ of drub samples volusteriIy
 sardine, paranoia, fears _nsom_is, psycho_ogi_l _bmitted to them. Their data provides
 e0o Of three baboons that eeH- c_ving for the druq_ and depression° information on the availability of street
 a_inistered MDMA. two e_ibit_ 66, Dro Siegel, in his interviewa with dz_gs and trend= in drub abuse pRtter_so
 Lmusual behavior. One appeared to 17'I individuals who claim to hove used ?S. _tween 1_3 and _1983, Pharm
 _ck nonexlstent obiects, and another MD_dLA in the Los Ange|ee, California Chem Laboratories reported MDA and
 exhibited aggressive behavior. Levels of ares, reports _hat effects of MDMA at MDMA iB the same category. The total
 _elf. administrst_on in s_] three baboons _ow doses approximate those of low sumber _f submissions of MDA/MDMA
 _eeted were in the same range as tho_e doses of mescaline, and that effects between 1973 and 1983 was _0, ranging
 of _DA and slightly _ess than three of reported for higher doses o_ MDM.A (_00 from 21 in 197,1 to _ in 1978.
 cocaine, amphetamine and n_So) produce effects eimilaz to those of 7S. Phsrm Chem _eported 20
 p_sncy_tdine. LSDoThe h_ doee effec_ include submissions of _DMA between May
 6_. Drs. Shu_gin and N|chols first hallucina_on_._ eithee v_sue|, tac_, _ and May _9_, when it
 _p_r_ed that MDMA produces olfactory or auditory, d_acsntlnued its testing service.
 pwchotornimetic effects in man tn IW_ 67o Low to moderate doses of _D_A 77. To_dco|ngy Testing Service
 These effects are described at hove been given to indlvlduels _y _por_ed I_ submissions ot MDMA
 L_textcafiono shored stets of psychiatris_s, Some of these betwee:s April _19_ and March I_,
 consciousness and sympathoer_metlc psychiatrists claimed that the l_,,_.A 78_ In its investiga_on of the
 _ulation. administered was made by them rudder clandestine manufacture of controlled
 _._ The racemic mixture of MDMA, the _uperv_sion of Dr_ Shulgin in h_ substances, DEA has encountered five
 which is a combination o_ both optics| laborato_ _ C_iifo_la. |_boratorie_ producing or possessi_ the
 _omers, is the drng which is _ MDNL,e_ has been reported, by _e necessa_ _hemice_ to produce _A,
 • _sndestlnely produced, found in the psychiatrists ad_i_sterin8 to Each laboratory had produced or had
 illicit franc and used by psychla_ste, themselves _nd othe_, and by other the _pebilihj of producing kilogram
 _, tn a 1978 publication, Dr. Sh_lgin i_divid_s|e to produce the follow'ha8 (_0,000 dosage units] quantities of
 reported that racemic MDMA produced physical effects: jaw ctench_ng, MD_vL_k_ Lmpurities found in the MD_vLA
 s hish _eve| of in_oxlcation in men st anorexia, insomnia, flight of ideas_ analyzed by forensic laboratories
 _ioses of !_0_I_ mS. Color enhancement increased heart asd pulse rate, in,cats that MDIVIA is produced
 _e well as physical symptoms of mydr_asis_ _ystsgmus, blurred vision, clandestine _aboratorieso
 mydriasis and jaw c|ench[ng were enhanced deep tendon reflexes, fatigue 79. A DFEA investi_atlon conducted in
 hated. MDMA was described as after use, ataxia, nausea, vom_ttl,ng, June 198_ of a suspected cocaine
 maintaining the same potency as MDA headache and shakiness. °
 distributor resulted _ Ln_ormation
 bat exhibRin8 subtle differences L_ the _@o P_ycho|ogical effects reported for concerniR8 the widespread availabil_ty
 qua|i_atlve nature of the mtoxiceeJ_n. |ow _o reorients doses of MDMA
 _4o ]n a 1980 publication, Dr. Shulgin include euphoria, sense of well_be_, of "Ecstasy;' o_ _DMA, h_ the Dallas,
 _d others describe MDA and MDNLA_ increases in physical and emo_onal Texas a_a.
 e_ having both stimulant and energy, focus on the hen and now, 80° '*Ecstasy," or MDMA. with a
 psychotomimetic properties in hu_ana, impaired Judgment heightened sensual claLzned ori_natiun of California, was
 _ce_nic MDA and MD_A were awareness, anxJsty_ brief sho_o_erm being distributed in the Dallas ares in
 _dministered orally to five volunteers at memory loss_ dJsto_.ion in dep_ 100 tablet bottles by o_ant_ed gr_:mps.
 doses up to 160 m_ The effective dose of perception, brief helluo_na_ono v_sua_ The tablete were rotund to contaL_
 • MDA was e_0<120 rag., whi|e that of illusion, nervousness, mild depressin_ appro_.hnately 110 rag. of MDMA.
 MDMA was i00-I_0 _g. Dr. Shulg_n and r_en_aJ fatigue, confusion end altered g'L Street prices for MDMA in _
 _t_er_ noted e drive increasing effect_ _ state of consciousness, were found to be $7r_ for '1.000 doses in
 _ange in expression and an apparent 70. MDNLA was first identified by a Austin, Texas; $'I_.50 per dose in
 L_crease in the acoustic, visual and DEA laboratory in _L9?_. Between :I_ Boulder, Colorado; $70 per gram in New
 tactile sensory perceptions, as well aa a and April 1985, DF_A Isbora_orles York: $85 per gram in Califo_is0 and
 tension.decreasing, mood-lightenln_ identified 41 exhibits of MDMA _0=_2,0 per dose in New Hampshire.
 effect in the human ssbiects. Myd_iasis consisting of over 6_000 dosage u_ts. 82_ Dr. Inabe from the HaightoAshbu_"
 and sympathomimetic s_imu|at_on were 7'L Since its t_por_ry placement _to Clinic in Sen Francisco reports
 noted during the entire period. The Schedule I on lucy I, _1985, MDbAA has n_edlc_l|y unsupervised use of _MA ia
 effects of MDA and h_DMA were been identified in et least _,_ e:_hibit_ Sen Fzenclsoo by the gay male
 _pparent beginning 30 minutes after submi'_ted to DEA _abor_torie_ from population, young professionals and
 _estion and continsing for Texas alone. These _,_ exhibits ind_vlduals with a htste_ of
 approximately four hours, e×cept that a contained over 35,_0_ dosage units of hailuclnogenlc drug use°
 scrod increase in motor activity lasted MDMA. 83. Dr. Siegel of UCLA estimate= thst
 severs| more hours. Shulgin concluded 7_o MD_VLA l_ available in tablet_ the street distribution of MDMA has
 _tat the °'psychopha_macologi_l oapsu|es end powders _th recent ri_n from 10,0_0 dosage units in 197e to
 profiles of MDA and NfDMA are ve_ analyse= indicate 8 appre_ma_ely _'i0 _,0_0 dosage units per month in lgSS,
 amJ_r, '° rag, of rec_i˘ _D_.A per dosage _to 84° Students e_ the Ur_versity of
 65. The Haight-Ashbury Free MeMos| MD_JJt. has beau ertc_ur_tered in many Texas in Austin indicate that _DMA is
 _In[c in San Francisco treats sections of the United Ste_tes and othe_ easily available on campus at about
 approximately three to four clients per count_eSo o to $20 per tablet.
 month who seek help for problems F3. Since 1978, _on-Federa_ forensic 8_. Dr. Jr_gresoi, a psychia_st who has
 _ing from the use of MDMA. MMDA laboratories have reported over 41 hlmeelf used MDMA on patients, has
 sr MDA. Indlvidue]s seen et the _Inlc exhibits of MDM.A to DFEA. _terviewed over 500 individuals who
 have taken up to 15 doses of _DMA in 7,_. Phar_ Che_ L_bor_tor_es _n_ have used MDM.A over the past seven to
 one day, likely to be 50 to 150 mS. each. Toxicology Testing Servia are eight years. _fore than half of these
 The use of higher doses produces rapid laboratories which provide confidantes| individuals hod used MDMA _ a n_n-

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