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 21 § 812 FOOD D UaS 18
 (B) The _uK or ether substance has no currently accepted
 medical use in treatment in the Uni_d States.
 (C) There is a lack of accep_d safety _or use o_ the druf or
 other subs_ee under medical supervisio_
 (2) _hedule _o_
 (A) The drub or _ther substance h_ & high potentl&l _ar
 <_) _e drug or other subs_nee has a currently accepted
 medical use in trea_ent in the United States or a currently ace
 eep_ed medical use with severe restrictions_
 (C) Abuse o_ _h¢ drug or other sub_nces may lead to severe
 .... , psTeholo_ieal or physical de_ndeneeo
 (A) The _ru_ er other subs_ee h_ a :po_n_ial for abuse
 less than _be drugs or o_er subs_nees in schedules I and He
 (B) The drug cr other _ub_nce h_ a currently _cceptcd
 medi_ use is trea_nent in the United S_t_s.
 (C) Abuse of _¢ _ru_ or ocher _ubs_nee may lead to moder-
 a_ or low _y_ic_] dependence or high _syeho|o_ea| _epen_
 (A) The. dru_ or o_er subs_nee h_ _ |ow poten_a! for
 abuse relative to _he dru_s or o_her substances in schedule HI.
 _B) The drug or other substance h_ a currently accepted
 medical u_ in trea_uwnt _n _he Un_ed _a_e_o
 (C) Abuse of _he drug or other substance may lead to Hm_d
 physical dependence or psychologica| dependence relative to the
 drugs or other sub_ee_ in sehe_u|e HIo
 (_) g_,hedule Yo-
 gA) The drug or other sub_nee h_ _ low potential _or
 abuse re|afire _ the _ru_ or other _ub_ces in schedule IV.
 (B) The _ru_ or c_her substance ha_ a currently accel_ted
 medical use in _reatmen_ in the United S_e_.
 (C) Abuse o_ the dru_ or other subs_nee _my lead to ]imit_ed
 physical dependence or psyeho|ogical dependence relative to the
 drucs or other eubs_uce_ in schedule _,
 (e) _hedu|e_ _, H, III, r_ _d v shall, un|es_ and until amended
 pursuant to section 811 o_ thi_ title, consist of _he following dru_s
 or other subs_nces, by whatever offici_ n_e, common or usual
 name_ chemical name, or brand n_n¢ desi_eted:

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