vol1 - Page 308

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 and efficacy, W_{ In so doinq, DEA ignores the language,
 structure and legislative history of t_he CSA. Since the Agency_
 _ .... even at this late dater has not enunciated a standard that will
 withstand even the slightest judicial scrutiny_ this tribunal is
 free to adopt its own interpretation of the phrase Rcurrently
 accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. # The
 Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics (#ACT or the Alliance H) urges
 the ALJ to adopt its proposed standard -- acceptance by a
 respectable minority of the medical community and society in
 general _ a standard that comports with the CSA's plain
 language, structure and legislative history -- sources the
 court ennmerated as appropriate means to correctly
 interpret Congressional purpose°
 Based upon the evidence presented in this proceedingn
 however, marijuana clearly has an #accepted medical use in
 treatment _
 regardless of what standard is adopted by the ALJ -_
 as long as it is rational. _/ Without qu_estion, marijuana is
 widely recognized in the medical community as an effective
 antiametic and !OP-reducing drug_ Likewise, numerous adequate
 and well-controlled studies support this conclusion. Curiously_
 DEA ignores this overwhelming body of data and argues that
 additional research is necessary to satisfy its standard. So
 _/ 828 F.2d 881, 891 (ist Cir. 1987)_
 _/ While it is obvious DEA believes marijuana has not satisfied
 whatever standard it is trying to enunciate, it is far from cle_
 what is necessary to meet that ever-elusive standard. For
 examples as discussed, _d1_Y_, DEA demands that scientific
 research be conducted in a double-blind randomized manners but
 fails to indicate the number of studies required to satisfy its

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