vol1 - Page 282

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 have been demonstrated .... Medical
 evidence sugg_ that _/le prohibition is not
 well founded.
 Significantly, legal organizations and state legis-
 latures have also accepted marijuana_s_therapeutic use in the
 trea_ent of glaucomas
 .-_ The National Association of Attorneys General {XNAAG_)_
 the ._rican Bar Association (_ABA m) and the National Association
 of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) have considered the question
 of marijuana_s appropriate therapeutic applications. These
 organizations have concluded that marijuana has a legitimate use
 in the medical management and control of glaucoma. For examples
 the NAAG has called for Congressional or administrative action to
 reschedule marijuana to Schedule II under the Controlled
 Substances Act in order to make the d_g.!egally available to
 patientsafflicted with glaucoma. _-_/ Both the ABA-_/ and the
 NACDL_I/ have adopted similar positions.
 Significantly, these legal organizations represent the
 ...... _ establishment barF the criminal defense lawyers and the chief law
 9_29_/ Affidavit of Robert Stephan_ _ 18. Attorney General
 Stephan states_ _The NAAG supports all efforts to reclassify
 marijuana to Schedule II_ and to make the drug legally available
 by prescription, to patent with legitimate medical needs. _ s_
 l_ Stephan Exhibit I, _Reeolution in Support of Marijuana's
 Reclassification for Medical Uees. _
 .__Q/ /__. at _ 20° Stephan notes the American Bar Associations
 the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and NACDL support
 marijuana's reclassification for medical use.
 _I/ Affidavit of Donald Fiedler_ Esq. _ 16-18. Fiedler
 Exhibit i. _Resolution Calling For The Reclassification Of
 ..... _ Marijuana To Schedule _I Of The Controlled Substances Act. _

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