vol1 - Page 277

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 Randall agreed to accept an cut-of-court settlement
 which provides himwith licit, medically!-supervised access to
 marijuana made available to him through a pharmacy licensed to
 distribute marijuana on the basis of a prescription issued by his
 private physician_
 _ In su_, many ophthalmologists have accepted marijuanaes
 medical-utility by helping patients, smaking marijuana
 medically, in a number of ways. Despite marijuana's status as
 an illegal Schedule X drug, therefore, many ophthalmologists have
 accepted its medical usefulness in the treatment of glaucoma.
 In the emotionally charged environment which surrounds
 marijuana, institutions like the American Academy of Ophthai_
 mology may take politically expedient positions which ignore the
 basic facts and fail to honestly represent the opinions of those
 the organization claims to represent. When asked to express an
 opinion regarding the position taken byithe AAO's Ad Hoc
 Committee on Marijuana Legislations Dr. iNorth said, NBalony®w62i/
 When Ms. Mapes asked him to elaborate, Dr. North states:
 Because I donet think they understand whatSs
 safe and effective -- when they made this
 __q/ (oF.Continued)
 marijuana could be legally prescribed, and if I were Robert
 RandallSs personal physician, I would prescribe that drug for him
 as part of his regular glaucoma maintenance program. # (April_
 1987); Affidavit of John C. Merritt, M.Do, Exhibit E at _ 19 &
 ,_ 20, _Any licensed or certified ophthalm_logist would be able to
 administer and monitor Robert Randall_sl use of marijuana in the
 context of a total course of glaucoma management. If I were
 still Robert Randall's personal physiciian, I would reqllest this
 court to allow me to prescribe marijuana as a vital component of
 hismedical regimen designed to maintain his sight. N
 621/ Cross-examination of Dr. Richard! North_ Tr. 7_95.
 - 204

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