vol1 - Page 249

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 a minimum of fifty additional research subjects were involved in
 these confirmatory evaluations_ Other physicians, commenting
 through respected medical journals, repol_c observing IOP reduc _
 tions in more than 350 additional patients. _/ Dr. Merrittf in
 additions reports acute and chronic evaluations of fifty
 glaucomatose patients and approximately 8-10 glaucomatose
 patients on a chronic basis_ _-_I/
 Put simply, the number of research subjects involved in
 timololSs NDA approval as an intraocular antihypertensive is
 siqnificantly smaller than the number of research subjects
 normo-tensive patients and glaucomatose patients evaluated for
 !OP-lowering response to marijuana° The maximum number of human
 subjects in the timolol studies -- all Phases o_ is around 400°
 The minimum number of human subjects involved in marijuana-based
 lOP lowering studies -- omitting human subjects involved in other
 marijuana IND approved studies, and excluding the 250 additional
 patients the New Jersey Protocol identifies as involved the
 Hepler/UCLA Studys but not attributed elsewhere _- is
 approximately 650 patients.
 Undaunted, the government claims only lOP was evaluated
 ..... during the marijuana experiments_ When Ms. Shirley asked if
 there are any studies to show marijuanans effect on visual fields
 Green responds:
 550/ ACT Official State Reports, Vol° !I_ Exhibit l0 at 19
 (quoting D. Shapiro_ mThe Ocular Manifestations of the
 Cannabinoids Ophthalmologica, 168:366-69)o
 551/ /__. e_ also Affidavit of Dr. John Merritt_ _ 53.
 - 176 -

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