vol1 - Page 23

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 _oOD AND"DtIU_'_ 21 § 355
 MS, c_---_orm'i dcrd_d 966 $.Ct. 44, 423 Uo$. $2% Rea_o¢ Food and Drug Administration h_ pPI-
 L. PM.2d _+ on remnct 415 F.$upp. 394. _ _uri_fi¢iio_ m d,ternise whmd_ drt_g
 _ug_g _ _ rnm'_et_sd comstiluta_ "?_e_ dPdK"
 g P_cfim _u_t _o ibis cha_t_ L_ _zp_rd_ of Federal Dtxt$
 ph_ciaa in t_.ri_trL: prmcxq_ p_n+b_m_ Adminis_tion i_ nmolving :cchnic4fl _._ _Ci_o
 _,_O0,_X_G _ of _or_ti* +¢m+.rolL_M =ub_ _i_ q_li_ms. B_o_i_ l_._rch Corp. v. H_e,ko
 _r_e._year periocL try [_'tsc_b/n$ _ _,i_pertdn$ _, C.AJ. Nm, 19_. 7|0 F._ I_7_+
 _bP.J_ tmcke_ _nLe8 _0 _mmmmtic ¢+mm_*
 ir,_tmtwmspriimmft_ieimprop_Pm_h_timi_t _C. Om §§ 3?t$.+iCA)(+)(s_ (A)(+(+),
 tm'i_irgic +t.twa:lP._Ms _ m_m:_i¢_d pra_+_ U.$. v. a_$ _ des by s limm_t mmml:_- M the modb
 Z,mck, D.C. Ohio t9_6. +13 F+Sup,p. li3+ _ _rof_i_m. Mow v. Rtv=s_l_ H_pimL
 i_ehm's _ io _ laot_tie dn_ _ 1974, _9 N.IL2d 84_ 4,_ Ohio App.3._ 42.3,_
 tm_tmam_ of _y _tien_ u_ only be re=Be _ C_mt_hiin_ bro_ by i_t_em _ho
 _iu_io_ o_ _iem's n_ _f m_ _hich _h h_tti_i_ durk_ s b|oo_ t_sfusio_ did not s_te a
 _lru+ pomtm to lmtt_nh _nd c_term_n&tiom _ to _ cb/_ for z_lief Igz_rt*_ ho_pi_,_ trM blood
 wh_tiut_ 'b_m_fh from _ of _uch dt_$ out_¢ig

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