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 21 § 355 FOOD AND DRUGS, _
 ce_.,lo_r_ or cerd_catioa a_ pro,_ded t_ C_e _ N_ Act $uue _, I_
 me,don I_ of Title 28" for "_a
 prt_ elf. SepL I_ 1948_ as amen_e_ by Act May
 vld_ In _ectlona _, 3_, and 347 24, 1_,49, sub_tltuted "Uulted _ta_e Dhso
 Title ,_o as ezmended, an'_ in section 77, trice Court for the Dizt_let of Coiu_blao,
 a_ amended, cf the Act entlded +An &ca for "Diatri_t Court of the Un|te_ _tata_
 to establish & Court of Appeals for the for the Dl_r_ct of Cetumb_ao"
 DIstrJc_ of Columbla'© _pprowed Febr=* _e_v_ D_ of _S _e_mend_ae_
 a_y 9, _", and aHmlnate_ _pou" preo _zcept_o_e. Amendment of aeolian _y
 _edln_ "any o_r desl_eted/'_ "a in'ub..L_ 87-781 e_ect_ve o_ the firs[ _y
 t_nserlp% of" _r_ed_ng "%he _o_d" _f tho _venth calendar month fol_w|_
 and "and deck" precedin_g "of the court 0ca. 19_. _e,_ _eet_on !0'_ of _boL_ _.
 |_ar_ "the feregoing _h_ona of" FE_f_wn De.re. Sec_o_ effeetlv_ _tle
 foHowl_ "operating of', and "an_ ef o .9_ ]_,:_8., _._ ,e_t_en 90_(a) of Ae_ ,_u_
 fectivenees" foHcw_ng "eafety', and pro- _ 1_, _L out aa a note under _,eettoa
 v_d_ that the reb_l_don$ may condition 392 of thee !_t_eo
 exemptions upon thm eubmi_a_otl of reo
 pcr_a of pteet_nlenl tests to _ustify the Transfer of _etteu*o All functions of
 proposed cHnteai te_t_n_ _pon the oh- Lhe _eder_] _t_enr_ty Adm_nittrator wen
 traasfcr_e(t to the 8eereLary of Hemlth,
 raining by the mannfact_rer o_ sponsor Education, _u_ Welfare and ali a_ene_a
 o_ the tn_es_|gatl_ of a new dru_ o_ a of the Federal Security Agency wen
 signed agreement from each of the in- transferred to the Department of _ealth0
 ve)tlgator_ that patients t_ whom the Educationo and Welfare by settler 5 of
 dr_ is adm[nlster_d wIH _ under his 195_ Re_rg,Pian Non L net oat in the Ap-
 aupervisio_ or under investl_atora ran pendix to Tit_e _, Go_ernmen_ Orgaul_.
 eponsJb_e to him, end tha¢ he wl)_ ant tlon and _mploy_es. The Federal Secnrl.
 _pp_y each drug to any other ingestion° ty Agency and the office of Adminfstre_
 tc_, oe t_ c_t_ice, for admiut_trat_e_ to tot were _,bo_i_he¢_ by art i_on 8 of 1_
 human beings° or _po_ the estab|leh_aent Reorg. P_a_ No. Io
 and maintenance cf record* and reports
 .of da_ obtained _y the _avesdgatlona_ The Fo(._ and Drug Adminiat_ttou,
 _** of a_cb dreW0 a_ the SecreCa_y flnd$ which ), e_arged with the admi_Ist_atloa
 will enab_ him to evaluate the _fety of this chanter, was traneferred from the
 and efl'ec_Ive_ess of such dr_. and pro- Department of Agricolture to the F_dera|
 vi_M that the r_gutatioua _haii tonal Security &gency, to be admtniatered on.
 don an ezempt_on _pon the manufacturer der the direction and ,uper_r_tnn _f the
 or sponaor of the _av_t_ga_on r_ulr_ng Federal Sea-array Administrator, by t_l_
 that experts u_Lng eu_h _r_g_ _rtify _eorg¢Pia_: No, IV, m_.t out _n the Appen_
 that they wl|_ inform hn_ans tc_ whom dig _o Title _.
 _,_e_ dru_ or _uy cc_ntroia connected _pp_$ T_,Len Pr_o_ to Oceob¢_ tot
 therewith are ad_l_¢ered0 9r their 1_o Section 104(d) (3) of Pub,_ _
 _ep_entat_ve_. and Will o_ta|_ the cono 781 provided that: "The amendments
 _nt cf au©h pe_p_ where f_aa_b_ and macl_ by _hia sub--ion _to aUh_o (hi
 not contrary to the best tntereat_ _f such of thi_ _:tl_o_] ehai_ not apply to any
 people, and that _po_) on the intent)- appeal taken prlor to the date of e_ee(_
 getlonel _e of ¢lru_ are not _qut_d ment of thJe Act loot. ]0, 1962]o '°
 to h¢ submitted directly to the _ec_e-
 _eg_Miive _e._ry. For le$islatlve
 history and purpose of Act May _. I_4_,
 _b_ec_ (_)o PUh. L 87-T81, | _03(a), _ce _9 U._.Code Co_g°_mdce_ po 1_
 _ also, Puh. L. _3_o 19_0 U,S.Co_e
 a_d_ anbs_co (_)o Cong. _nd Adm. New_, po 2/_; Pub. L_
 l_ A.me=&_e_t. Suhaee. (_)o P_b.L. _7-78I, 19_ U.S. Cod_ Cong. and Ad_.
 8_0T |naert¢_l "or by certified mall" fol- News, po :_0 and part 2 of _nate _e-
 Iowi_ "_effl_tered mail." port _oo iTS0 _t oat _a & note under
 _ctlou _I of thta tlt_e_

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