vol1 - Page 226

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 By early 1972_ the implications of Dr. Hepieres
 discovery were clearly understood within the medical community_
 In July, 1972/ Dr. Steven Szara_ an official with the National
 Institute on Mental Health (NIMH), in a paper presented before
 the International Congress on Pharmacology noted these develop-
 menteo According to press accounts Dr. Szara discussed these
 developments in some detail:
 [E]vidence _ o . suggests that pathologically
 increased intraocular pressures can be
 .... reduced to normal levels for a few hours by
 the administration of marijuana .... The
 results confirmed preliminary findings that
 marijuana [smoking] is able to decrease
 intraocular pressure in normal subjects and
 that the effect is definitely related to the
 "_- size of the dose. The average mean pressure
 drop in
 _/°ptically normal subjects was 36
 This was not a co__ent based on idle speculation. At
 _ the same meeting, Drs. Szara and Ira Frank, both associated with
 Dr. Hepler_s ongoing study_ revealed that a forty-two year old
 women had become the first glaucoma patient to be evaluated in
 .... the UCLA/Stein program. The woman_ though on conventional
 antiglaucoma therapies_ was experiencing ocular tensions in
 excess of 45 mm H_. Prior to using marijuana, she halted her
 routine glaucoma medications. At the time of the test, her IOP
 was 29 mm Hg_ before she smoked marijuana. Within an hour of
 smoking a marijuana cigarettes her IOP had declined to 22 mm _go
 _____/ ACT Official State Reports_ Volt_e II_ Exhibit I0_ New
 Jersey Glaucoma Protocol, pol7 (quoting Scava, Steven as reported
 by Anspacher_ Carolyn, _Marijuana Used to Ease Glaucoma #,
 Associated Press International as carried by the San Francisco
 _E_li_l_, July 27_ 1972, pg_ 4°).
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