vol1 - Page 223

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 of glaucoma, but there are some adverse
 side-effects. Some patients are refractory to
 present forms of treatment and become blind
 i_. as the disease progresses_ for them. there is
 a Darticuiarlv urgent need_to f_in_ffective
 _iL_. (Emphasis addedo) %_I
 3_ Ma_uanats Therameutic Use in the Reduction of
 l_-., In_Kaocul _; Pressure
 -_ Well-controlled scientific studies and the experience
 of glaucoma patients have demonstrated that marijuana, when
 smoked, significantly reduces the elevated intraocular pressure
 associated with qlaucomaŽ Xn addition, these studies -- as well
 ' as hundreds of additional, wide-ranging investigations _- show
 marijuana can be safely used under medical supervision.
 Marijuana_s IOP-lowering action was the first of the
 drug's numerous therapeutic indications identified by contem-
 .i_ porary physicians and quantified through modern scientific
 evaluations. While marijuana_s IOP_lowering action was recog-
 nized at the very beqinning of current _cesearch into cannabis
 (1970), there appears to be no historical reference for this
 therapeutic applicationo
 Over the past eighteen years, numerous FDA-approved
 _< investigators_ including Drs. Hepler, Ungerleider, Franks
 Perez-Reyes, Green, Merritt, North and others have convincingly
 !9__/ ACT Official State Reports, Exhibit i0 _at 14 - N.J.
 Protocol (_otina Marijuana and Health, Report of a Study by a
 Committee of the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of
 .... Sciences, National Academy Press, Washinqton_ DoC., 1981 at 140).

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