vol1 - Page 214

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 failure among certain subgroups_ Imprecise surgical procedures_
 employed as a#last resort x to control 10Pf are often
 c. Safety of Currently Accepted Pharmacolouical
 and Su_ica___L_E_es
 While these pharmacological and surgical techniques
 have been accepted into medical use for the control of glaucoma,
 each method of treatment involves significant risks to the
 patients Ophthamologists, and their patients ares for obvious
 reasons_ willing to run significant risks in the effort to
 preserve sight.
 (i) Dln/_ Therapie_
 Each of the four families of drugs currently accepted
 ..... ; as NsafeU for use in the reduction of intraocular pressure may,
 in facte expose patients to significant, even life-threatening
 adverse effects.
 7 Keith Greens Ph. Do_ notes, _[All drugs currently
 prescribed to treat glaucoma 3 tend to induce side effects that
 detract from their usefulness. W_/
 ..... Dro Merritt provides a highly detailed review of the
 known adverse effects of currently accepted pharmacological
 treatments for glaucoma:
 _6_/ Affidavit of Keith Green, Ph.D.s at 4_ ___ also cross-
 examination of Keith Green_ Ph. D._ Tr. 9_79-_9-!01 & 9-154--9-
 165 (discussing side effects drug by drug); Affidavit of Robert
 .... _ Randall, Exhibit 2B, Affidavit of Robert Hepler at _I 8 (a), (b)
 and (c))

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