vol1 - Page 211

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 The failure of medical therapies to adequately reduce ocular
 tension leaves the patient expose_ to a progressive erosion of
 vision which_ unchecked_ will result in certain blindness. 455j
 As Dr. Hepler states:
 Since the prescription of marijuana is not
 presently a legal alternative, once
 tolerances have developed to conventional
 medications, the only option available to
 save sight is surgery. Su_e_ because of
 the inherent risks_ is recommended only after
 the failure of _ill__1own _medi_i_u__
 _ontrol the patient's lOP. (I,_phaeis
 added ° ) _ -
 b. e z7
 ...... : If intraocular pressure cannot be adequately controlled
 through purely medical meaner surgery may be attempted in an
 effort to treat the patient and save the person's sight. While
 .... . the recent introduction of laser surge_{ has increased the number
 of surgical options available to the patient, surgical inter-
 ventions to control XOP -- because of its considerable risks, and
 .... high rate of failure _- is considered a _last resort W
 procedure. B9-!/
 As Keith Green, Ph.D.t testified on behalf of the government:
 I think the majority of [ophthalmologists] in
 this country would say that surgery would be
 fairly near the end of a very extensive
 utilization of drugs to control the
 intraocular.pressure . _ . [as] a last resort
 . _ . that one would do towards the end of
 455/ Rebuttal Affidavit of Dr. John Merritt, _ 7.
 ___/ Affidavit of Robert Randall, Exhibit 2 B, Affidavit of
 Dr. Robert Hepler, _ 10.
 -- 138

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