vol1 - Page 204

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 .... Dr. Spaeth, testifying on behalf of the-government, is
 • adamant on this point; mLowering [eye] pressure is the most
 important aspect of treatment now. In fact, it is the 9_i 7
 validated method by which we know we c_n held ulaucoma. N
 I (emphasis added) _I/ As the American Academy of Opthamology
 report_-submitted as Exhibit 2 by government witness, Dro Robert
 Hepler states:
 [POAG] . . _ has no known c_e . . . it
 usually can be effectively treated by
 phaz_aceutical agentsor surgery that
 decreases IOP (intraocular pressure) and
 prevents optic damage ..... _o date. the
 only clinically, effective men,hod of
 accomDlishin_this_is by low_l___, w
 (Emphasis added) o _-_-Ai
 Dro John Merritt concurs:
 _The reduction of ocular tensions is central
 to the effective medical control of glaucoma.
 All Waccepted _ drug and surgical therapies
 '.J currently deemed to be effective in the
 treatment of glaucoma seek to reduce
 abnormally elevated intraocular pressures.
 The accepted standard of what constitutes
 _effective _ treatments therefore, is measured
 against a dr1_Ss ability to lower the
 patient's ocular tension. This stand&rd, --
 the ability [of a drug] to reduce intraocular
 pressure has been recognized for decades as
 the Q__L¥ r@lia__lgmetho_d _o_gter_inina th_
 ___ilit _lau _
 "ruNs. _4_!
 ......_ All known therapeutic methods mcurrently accepted n for use in the
 treatment of glaucoma have but one clearly defined purpose -- to
 _3_2/ Affidavit of Dr. George Spaeth. at 7.
 __/ Affidavit of Dr. Robert Hepler, ]Exhibit 2, "The Use of
 Marijuana in the Treatment of Glaucoma, _v American Academy of
 Opthamology Statement as approved by the Board of Directors_
 July 21, 1987_ at l®
 434/ Rebuttal Affidavit of Dr. John Merritt, _ 54.
 131 -

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