vol1 - Page 196

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 Based upon the foregoing discussion, there is no
 _ question that the medical community overwhelmingly accepts
 marijuana as a safe antiemetic in the treatment of emesis
 resulting from anticancer therapy. Having satisfied all of the
 _ prerequisites for rescheduling, marijuana must be reclassified as
 a Schedule II drug.
 In 1971, Dr. Robert S= Hepier, °
 while engaged in
 federally approved marijuana research serendipitiously discovered
 marijuana was effective in reducing intraocular pressure°
 Writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association,
 '_ Dr. Hepler declared=
 _The purpose of this letter is to present
 preliminary data concerning the most impres-
 sive change observed [after su/_jects smoked
 marijuana], namely a substantial decrease in
 intraocular pressure observed in a large
 percentage of subjects .... The possible
 implications, including o ° o _u_l___
 a_i_oh__treatment O f_rgl_99_____ .E_
 obvious _ u_I (emphasis added) o
 .ii_ Glaucoma -- the leading cause of blindness in the
 United States -- is an ocular disease characterized by excessive
 pressure in the eye. :Since there is no cure for the disease,
 treatment focuses upon reduction of intraocular pressure.
 4Q_4/ ACT Scientific Journal Articles_ Vol. I, Exhibit el, Hepler_
 Robert S° and Frank_ Ira Mo mMarijuana Smoking and Intraocular
 Pressure # , 217 J. A_M_A. 1392, (September 6_ 1971).

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