vol1 - Page 195

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 John James Dunsmore_ III_ himself, stated in a very graphic way
 _ _[a3sking a chemotherapy patient taking
 Cisplatin if marijuana is _safe _ is a lot
 like asking the guy who gets run over by a
 Mack truck if the wind's too strongo n4-_-l/
 Physicians confirm the experiences and views expressed
 by cancer patients° Dry Deborah Goldberg took the opportunity in
 her testimony to describe the nature of chemotherapy treatment
 and the risks associated with the use of chemotherapeutic agents°
 eChemotherapy is a brutal type of medical assault on the body_ _
 Dr. Deborah Goldberg testified, adding that almost all chemicals
 used in the treatment are extremely toxic and have profoundly
 adverse effects° After reviewing the a_erse side effects caused
 by these agents, Dr. Deborah Goldberg concluded that Wthere is a
 very great risk associated with the medical use of these chemical
 agents H and°that when compared with these chemical substances,
 _marijuana is clearly _safe _ for use under medical
 supervision. _-Q_/ A similar comparison was made by Dr. Arthur
 Kaufman, who believes that physicians who are entrusted with
 prescribing lethally toxic chemotherapeutic agents can safely
 prescribe marijuana. 00_/
 .... ii
 __ql/ Affidavit of John James Dunsmore_ !If, _ 68.
 __Q21/ Affidavit of Dr. Deborah Goldbergf _ 10-13, 46.
 4_/ Affidavit of Dro Arthur Kaufman_ _ .21,
 - 122

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