vol1 - Page 187

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 support #effort, s to make marijuana available on a prescription
 basis to patients unde_oing anti-cancer treatment or suffering
 fromglaucomao W_-!_/ Upon the public announcement of the
 mentioned Resolution on June 28, 1985_ several attorneys general
 expressed their opinion in support of _e Resolution and
 reclassification of marijuana 7_/ Other legal organizations
 that have accepted marijuana's medical _Lsage for treatment of
 emesis and supposed its reciassification are the _erican Bar
 _$SOc_ation (_ABAn) g the erica 'v °
 _ Union (mACLU_)
 and the _ational Associat_i_O_l_9__C_im__ Defense _ers
 (#NACDLH). 7_/
 7o Courts Have Acknowledged Marijuana_s Medical
 t_tvas_D__ _ st'
 Marijuanats medical utility as an antiemetic was
 recognized by the Superior Court of the iStats of Cal%fornia in
 and for the County of Imperial. On January 23, 1978, the
 mentioned Court authorized a cancer pati_nt at the Green Hospital
 of Scripps Clinics LaJolla, California_ _o possess and use
 marijuana for emesis treatment under the supervision of a
 physician. _-_/ To this effects the Cou_i: ordered and authorized
 37__/ Affidavit of Robert T. Stephan, _ 17 and Exhibits 1 and 2
 attached thereto.
 ____/ _e opinions of Mike _reely_ NAAG President and Attorney
 General of Montana and Mr. Leroy Zimmerman, Chairman of the
 Criminal Law and Law Enforcement Committee and Attorney General
 of Pennsylvania_ in Affidavit of Robert To Stephan, _ 19 and
 Exhibit 2 attached thereto.
 -376/ /__. at _ 20°
 7_/ Affidavit of Robert Randall_ Exhibit Fo

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