vol1 - Page 183

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 Xvan Silverberg explained that many of his patients who suffer
 from lymphoma had a survival average of six months. In case of
 hospitalization for antiemetic therapy, these patients would be
 taken away almost one month of their remaining lives, depriving
 them from being around their loved ones in a normal setting° 36_8/
 6.--Legal Authorities Have Accepted Marijuana as
 _.___I/LAnti@_eti__._____F._._...._ .....
 a. S__tLe_S ov e__gm.t_s_
 The medical properties of marijuana as an anti,merit
 have been acknowledged by a substantial number of state
 .._._ governments. Thirty-four states have enacted laws recognizing
 marijuana's utility as an antiemetic, namely:
 Alabama, Connecticut, Florida_ Georgia
 lllinois_ Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan,
 • Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire,
 New Jerseys New Mexico, New York_ North
 Carolinas Ohio_ Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode
 Islands South CarolinaF Tennessee_ Texas,
 Vermont, V_$nia_ Washington, West Virginia,
 Wisconsin. _f
 _9__/ Redirect of Dro Ivan Silverberq_ Tr. 3-152 & 3-153. Dr.
 Lester Grinspoon added several reasons that supported marijuanaes
 need as an antiemetic despite the existence of new antiemetics.
 Firsts marijuana may be potentially effective with the segment of
 patients that don't get relief from the more new antiemeticso
 Second, marijuana is a safer drug. Finally, marijuana posseses
 effective appetite stimulant properties. Cross-examination of
 Dr. Lester Grinspoon_ Tr. 14-59 & 14-60_ Dr_ Thomas Ungerleider
 testified that marijuana would be the most effective drug for
 ,_,.. bone marrow patients. Cross-examination of Dr. Thomas
 Ungerleider. Tro 4-134.
 ____/ Affidavit of Alice O'Leary. Dr_ Grinspoon recognized
 legislative action as a valid element to find accepted medical
 use. Affidavit of Lester Grinspoon, _ 2S. _ a_ Affidavit of
 Dr. Thomas Ungerleider, _ 19.
 Ii0 -

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