vol1 - Page 179

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 (2) the Mount Zion Hospital, l_-_/
 (3) the Franklin Hospital in San Francisco, 349/
 ..... i (4) the president of the San Francisco chapter of the
 American Cancer Society, 1350/
 (5) public health service sector community in New
 .... D Mexico_ _5!/ ..
 (6) hospitals throughout the State of New Mexico, _/i_/
 (7) the Georgia Medical Association, 2-5-_/
 ....ii_:_ (8) the Georgia Bureau of In%estlgatlong
 (9) •Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston_ 3_/
 (I0) Children's Hospital in San Diego, California. 3_/
 ..... i: (Ii) Montefiore Hospital in NE_ York. _-57/
 (12) State Dependent of Health and Mental Hygiene in
 Maryland_ _s
 _5_Q/ Cross-examination of Dr. Ivan Silverberg, Tr. 3-124.
 __i/ Cross-examination of Dro Daniel Dansak_ Tr_ ll-71 & 11-93o
 __!/ _._. Tr. II-93o
 ...... _$53/ Affidavit of Mona Taft, _ 72.
 ___/ Affidavit of Mona Taft, _I 21f 23, 32.
 ___/ Affidavit of Janet Andrews, _ 68, 82.
 __Z/ ACT, Media Articles, Vole i, 1978.-11.
 - 106 -

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