vol1 - Page 169

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 (4) Ma_sachu_e_tt_
 Mona Taft's husband was hospitalized in the
 Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, ands on the reaction of
 doctors and nurses at the mentioned hospital_ Mona Taft
 I [The nurse] suggested Harris try to smoke
 marijuana to help relieve the nausea and
 vomiting caused by his chemotherapy ....
 [W]e brought the subject of marijuana up the
 next time we saw HatTises doctor. He said he
 coul_St encourage us to do anything
 il!egal_ many of his younger patients were
 smoking marijuana_ He told us his patients
 who smoked marijuana seemed to have less
 trouble with nausea and vomiting. While the
 doctor was restrained in his oomments_ his
 message was pretty clear: Try marijuana and
 see if it helps .... Harris always smoked
 his marijuana in the hospital and it was
 clear his doctors were aware of, and
 accepted what he was doing and approved of
 his actions. They couldn't help but notice
 the sudden, remarking9 improvement in his
 overall condition. _u_I
 Regarding the reaction of the oncologic community in general_
 Mona Taft testified that:
 During this time (1977-79) Harris and I
 became aware of other patients who were
 smoking marijuana to relieve _%e adverse
 effects of their anti=cancer therapies° In
 the vast majority of cases the patients had
 learned about using marijuana _edically from
 their doctors° The doctors would hint or
 flat out tell their patients marijuana could
 possibly reduce the nausea and vomiting.
 While these doctors would give their patients
 information on marijuana_s medical uses, they
 would not prescribe the drug° As a result of
 marijuanaSs illegality, its medical use was
 being forced underground. Doctors would tell
 patients about the drug's benefits, subtlety
 _13_/ Affidavit of Mona Taft, _ 21, 23_ 32.

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