vol1 - Page 165

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 5. Marijuana's Use as an Antiemetic Is
 ___pted within the Medical Co___1_/j_
 Based on the anecdotal reports by patients,
 doctor-to-doctor communication, and the conclusions of medical
 studies, all of which developed a consistent theme -- marijuana
 ..... . was more effective than other antiemetic drugs in controlling
 nausea -- marijuana_s use as an antiemetic gained widespread
 acceptance in the oncologic co--unity, asong physicians in other
 .... _ specialized areas, and gradually by medical institutions,
 themselves. Despite marijuanaes status as an illegal Schedule I
 drug -- a fact that can never be forgotten in analyzing the data
 regarding its acceptance _- marijuana clearly has been accepted
 by a substantial segment of the medical community.
 a. _cqlo_is_
 Marijuana is accepted by oncologists throughout the
 United States° Dr. Norman Zinberg, testified that:
 I've had the opportunity to talk to literally
 dozens of oncologists about the fact that
 they encourage their patients I:o use
 marijuana and regard it as an accepted
 medical usage and l've known nurses who_ve
 obtained marijuana for patients who
 themselves said they couldn't ¢_tain it. So
 you're talking about something that_wo_/I-__x
 w espr a _ce in this__Gg_ult_Eo
 (emphasis added).
 Dr. Morgan indicated that:
 Marijuana's use in reducing nausea and
 vomiting among cancer patients receiving
 chemotherapy treatments appears to be quite
 widespread and generally_ albeit discreetly,
 2u__/ Cross-examination of Dr. Norman Zinberg, Tr_ II_191.
 - 92 -

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