vol1 - Page 162

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 By-the time this report was prepared, the Panel notes
 that the program had reached 2_050 patientSo _q/
 According to the reports THC effectiveness in reducing
 nausea and vomiting was rated by oncologists as moderately or
 very effective in 59% of the caseso _'I/ And 60% of the patients
 found THC to be an effective antiemetico _I/
 Regarding marijuana, based on a total of 154 evaluable
 treatment episodes among 86 patients_ the report indicated:
 Most patients received a combination of
 chemotherapeutic agents° Anticancer drugs
 were assigned an emetogenicity rating of
 mild_ moderate or severeo Sin:y-five
 patients (78.3%) received chemotherapeutic
 drugs rated _s severely emeto_ID___i_q. Of
 these 65 patients s physicians_ 36 (55.4%)
 evaluated marijuana cigarettes as being
 moderately or very effective_ _/
 In a similar evaluation of oral THe success rates among
 cancer patient5 receiving severely emetogenic agents discussed in.
 the Panel's 1982 Report, the synthetic dx_g provided relief to
 approximately 40% of the patients. 2_/
 _90/ ACT Official State Reports_ Vol. I Exhibit 6 = Fifteenth
 Annual Report of the Research Advisory Panel 1984 to the Governo_
 & Legislative, CRAPt San Francisco_ 1985, at lo
 2_-/ /_do at 7.
 _9_4/ ACT Official State Reports_ Vol. I_ Exhibit 4w Thirteenth
 ..... _ Annual Report of the Research Advisory Panel, 1982_ to the
 Governor & Legislatures CRAPs San Francisco, 1983, at 7.

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