vol1 - Page 147

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 (myoclonus, tremor hyperTefie_ia) Autonomic
 changes (perspiration, dry mouth), Endocrine-
 reproductive changes (decreased testosterone
 levels, impaired spermatogenesis) .... In
 , ........ addition to the aboye mentioned side effects_
 a subset of side effects have been reported
 which some patients found to be intolerable:
 Ataxia, Anxiety_ Hypotension_ Nightmares,
 Amnesia, Visual Hallucinations, Syncope,
 Blurred vision, Parethesias, Slurred speech,
 i_ ..... Muddled thi_i_._, Fecal incontinence,
 Depression. _-_I
 In an asides the New York submission notes that #[a]
 "high _ is not considered to be a side effect. This ham been
 defined as easy laughing, elations heightened awareness, and
 slight aberration of fine motor coordination. The occurrence of
 this phenomenon has been positively correlated with an antiemetic
 Relative to possible marijuana_induced side effects,
 New York officials made the following observation:
 Xt was extremely interesting to note that in
 the context of concern over the effects and
 side effects of cannabinoids the fact that
 the standard compounds have their own_9_e
 effects had largely been disregarded. _I
 In discussing a variety of problems encountered with
 the federal government's NIDA supplied, pre-roiled marijuana
 cigarettes, the Department states:
 244/ ACT Official State Report, Vol. II_ Exhibit 15_
 _Evaluation of the Antiemetic Properties of Inhalation Marijuana
 in Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy Treatmento H New York
 Department of Health, Office of Public Health, Chapter 810, Laws
 of 1980 Article 33-A, _iblic Health Law, September, !981_ at 7-8_
 2_4_/ /_. at 8o
 2J__/ ACT Official State Reports, Volo If, Exhibit 16C,
 #Impressions from the National Conference on the Therapeutic
 Applications of Cannabinoids, _ at 5.
 - 74 -

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